Saturday, June 9, 2007

Today was a crazy day i tell you

Morning go to school so early at 9.45 and i found out that the stupid history lessons so i was yea....kinda bored of the waiting. Because of this, i called Azlin and asked her whether she is free to have breakfast with me. She said she was free so yea i took a bus 88 to hougang and met her at mcdonalds. I bought sausage mcmuffin with egg and i also bought a coke for her(she asked to buy for her) i just went to buy without taking money from her because i was going to treat her of course. As in she walked so far from the condo to just come and have breakfast with me, a small treat is nothing really. She placed money in my bag, i didnt know until she told me and i returned her the note.

Yea, today was a crazy sprint. I was super far away from the bus stop when i see the 88 bus back. If i missed this bus, i will be screwed i tell you so yea i make a sprint for my life. I have to be back in school at 11.30 because there was an e maths test. Managed to caught the bus and Azlin was amazed by it too. I, myself was also shock la lol. I thought sure miss already.

Reached school at 11.45 and i thought i was freaking late so i made another dash to the auditorium. When i saw Yue Sheng still sitting outside, i was like, heng like sai, sure havent started also and it was only calling my class only wahahaha. Man, luck is on my side. The paper today was super super simple la. The paper is like super freaking easy la, easy until can sleep la. Took a cab home because a guy that stays near my place wanted to take a cab then he ask me whether i wanna share with him. Hey cheaper and still a cab to my place, how shiok is that man.

Reached home and received a call from Sonia. I asked her whether wanna join me for a swim(Azlin and Vanessa ask me for a swim) at a condo. Mmmm, Sonia couldnt find her swimming costume and i dont wanna her to waste her time there too so yea, she didnt went along. Priority must go to me la, i ask you for a swim must go with me first ok please please.

Today swimming was kinda crazy. Swam from 2.45 to 5.30. Super super tiring and i got scratches all over and sore because i threw them around and gave piggy backs and neck rides around the pool. They stack on me so many time and grab me but yea, being in the water and being inbar.....i overpower them very easily. Ok i know im unfair but hey, i cant just stand there let you all bully right lol. But yea, i enjoyed myself a lot.

Man, i went home and i was dead beat, i then realised today have training also. Delphine also sms me whether i wanna join them for basketball at 5.45pm. If i go for any of them, i think i will die la. But yea, i went training after i finished my meal but lucky today was very slacky. Didnt do much at all but i got some injuries. Cramps on my calf mostly. Went home and yea, took a bathe. I am really very tired....very very tired. I dont wanna die now. I wanna live on with a special person, i wanna put my whole heart in it and i want you to be happy. You must be happy always. I know i am an adiitional baggage or another additional burden. I know im super worrying also because i always get into trouble or always injure myself but i will look after myself dont worry.

I was feeling very hungry so yea, i make myself some maggi noodles to eat before i write today's blog. Haiz, wasted, now already 9th of june. I missed the 8 of june entry. But yea, i will always be there when you need someone and i want you to feel special. Missing you the whole time today, tmr, the day after tmr, the day after after tmr and forever on.

Signing off,
really tired wind


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