Friday, June 1, 2007

Life is unpredictable and tough....i know

I cant seem to move my arms a lot, i can feel that the muscles are mmm a bit splitting from the bone itself. I was expecting it to be very pain the next few days yea but i hope nothing bad will happen to my arm lol.

I fear a lot of things much things
1)What if i fail my second prelims
2)What if i cant make it to a jc
3)What will happen next time in life
4)Will the person i love be with me forever
5)Will i just break down one day because my i overworked my body
6)Will my friends still be with me next time in life

I have more yea but i dont think stating out things will be fun to read haiz. I feel really bad ytd, really super bad really sorry. I shouldnt have done it. Sonia, dont worry about the dog. Life is an unpredictable story where climax and sad things happen all the time. You are controlling the main character of the story so you should be the one who create the process and ending of your life. It may seem that loving something is wishing for it to be happy and be cared for but dont worry, i know that the dog really loves you too. Dont think so much and rest early ok. I will always be there if you need someone to talk to.

Yea, today emerge fest. Mmmm, a bit boring i can say but i enjoy the part of the POS only. It was really cool but hey, i wanted to see the bigger size guy fly but mmmm, dont think that would be possible haha. If he fly i will clap until the clap-o-meter go until 100 i tell you. No 100 i chop off my head give him kick lol. Yea, then meet the regulars in the church and ate pasta today. So small plate, so sour yet so expensive. Should improve on the food la then got more people will go and eat. Ok, i dont think i will be able to go for the emerge festival anymore even though it is going to last for quite a few days. Just hope everybody will enjoy themselves there.

Phew, this is painstakingly written with my fingers only lol, my hands cant really move that much. I have one request....please share with me everything ok? I dont wanna you to keep all your problems and feelings to yourself, i wanna be a part of your life too ok? I will do that too.

Signing off,
fearful wind


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