Saturday, June 16, 2007

Morning call...WAKE UP

I slept about 5.30am yesterday. Watched a few short movie clips with Sonia on the other side of the phone. It was really great feeling her presence on the other side. Watching the same movie clips and laughing at all the funny scenes too.

She came over really early today.I can say about 9 plus and as it was raining really heavily, I took an umbrella to the bus stop to fetch her. It was like so heavy so i brought a really big one so that she would not get caught in the rain(as much lol). So its like yea, she came and i was really feeling that i wanted to play in the rain. Took down my towel and extra clothings and i took off my shirt and went to play in the rain. Mmmm, i was collecting rain water for other purposes but since its like so much, i played a game with Sonia. Scissors, paper, stone. Mmmm, a bit disadvantage to me but its alright lol. If i lose, the bucket of water will be flushed onto me. If she loses she have to kinda soak her legs in it for like 1 min? But haiz, played 2 time lose 2 time so yea i was practically shivering all over after both buckets got over my head.

Took a bathe at the first floor toilet and we went up together. Phew, my sis bf is at home, i think he doesnt have to work today. Yea thats the first entry for today i guess. Later in the night still got training. I kinda overwork my arms but i think its worth it. Being strong is important however but i will not push myself ot the max. My body might just die on me so yea, i know my limits but i wanna achieve something in life to make it worth living for. Oh yea and read a bit of chemistry, going to get more of it.

Signing off,
chemistry wind


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