Friday, June 15, 2007

Friend ah friend ah friend ah friend ah friend....

Whats wrong with me? I wanna blade even more lol. Today went to East Coast Park and i really love to blade. I was like oh my, why am i so fast? Shouldnt i slow down or something but who cares, i fall a few times but it was shiok. Ok, tell you the truth ba, my hands really hurt , thats whyi didnt use my left hand today. You got see i use my left hands to hold your things only? And the right t push you lol. My hand hurt yea.

Today second entry. maybe its because i just have the feeling to write another one. I dont think blogging should be done on a daily basis but a feeling basis. Feel like blogging then blog, like that would be much better. I think i should stop gaming. I got an sms from Delphine to join them in the cell group at Trudy's house. Maybe i can go but i dont think i wanna lie to my mother again. I going to ask my mother tmr, if she dont allow then i will go for training. Maybe tmr my friends also not going for movie because they still havent sms or call me also. Maybe tmr then get a call but i will surely reject them because i think Sonia should come first. Must book me on ok, im an important person wahahaha.

Eh who the hell is alvin? How come i never see before? In my school one meh? I think this type of loser use gun also lose my even when i use a small little butter knife.... Nvm, i shall track him down and zham him wahaha.

Second entry woooo, friend ah.... so many so good so lame. Wah, super no link here. I guess im going through something call unbalance wave lengths whereby my frequency is going cuckoo but i know one thing for sure. I love you and you will always be closest to my heart. Be happy and take care. Good night and sweet dreams too.

Signing off,
Second post wind


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