Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Oral today, weeee(smelly water?)

My hand is way bigger than Sonia's oh my.

I heard from my friends that most of them didnt really do well for chinese o level haiz... i feel really sad for them. Most of my classmate will be retaking because they didnt really do well. Sonia, Azlin and Victor didnt do well too...mmm only Rui Fen did i guess. Nvm, jiayou jiayou, Sonia, if you really need help, you can ask Murphy, he is the shen!!! in chinese, thats what he is really good at.

Today very tiring in class so i fell asleep quite frequent until teacher called my name then i regain my 'soul' lol. Oh my, today's oral was really very smooth flowing. Because i was kinda have a problem with my voice at the start of the day so i drank lots and lots of water and also took some lozenges to clear my throat. To further open my voice, we sang during the break before the o level english oral.

"If you get there before i do, please don't give up on me. I'll be there when my chores are through, i don't know how long i'll be. I will never let you down, darling wait and see. But between now and then, til i see you again, i'll be loving you...... love me."

It really perked me up as i know that my dearest will always be there for me, I will too ok. Jiayou jiayou ba. We went into the examination hall quite early and we can see the grand entrance of all the examiners. Man, the first lady was hot, chio la....she was wearing low cut. I think pupils under her will have problem having the eye to eye contact because i think we will tend to have the eye to boob contact lol. Oh man, i cant believe i will say this too. The second one who came in is a man, A WORLD, BIGGER THAN THE WORLD. Man, that is ENORMOUS i tell you. I was kinda worried he was going to break the chair, even the floor i guess but he is realyl cheerful, you can keep seeing him smile, knodding his head and also laughing most of the time, i want him as my tester la. But mine is 2 old people, old and boring haiz.... but lucky i managed to make them laugh with one of my statement. "I believe that after many years, i managed to find out that i do not eat to live but... i live to eat..." This was kinda weird when i say it but they kinda laughed at it too. Mmm, relatively well done, good range of vocab use, reading aloud was very fluent with clear pronunciation and well versed tone. Picture well described with proper interpretation and vocabs too. I am really sure i can get a distinction.

Its the first time i heard such a coincidental thing in my life. Sonia's examiner was her brother's teacher. Wow, that is kinda weird i guess, mmm is it an advantage or a disadvantage, we have to wait for the result to find out.

Went over to Sonia's place after my o level english examination and bought donuts. It was really nice and we finished 6 altogether. Man, the cinnamon, oreo and strawberry one taste superb, i didnt really like the cheese one however. Ok, slept over there too and theres one weird thing, the father didnt even know i was there, even when i went back, he didnt even notice anything. Very weird, super weird indeed. Sonia's brother was behaving weirdly when i talked to him...mmm, kinda a bit action over his game...i more pro la, i didnt want to say anything only. When i play that time, you still a little kid ok, im super pro in games de. Went home at around 8 and bought a packet of noodle back home to eat, was kinda hungry. Haha, thanks for chatting all the way with me Sonia, rest early ok. Now its back to studying and i managed to stone in front fo my book, wow, what a achievement..

I guess im not tired today because i slept in the afternoon. Theres lots of thing happening between Azlin and Vanessa which i seriously dont know how to clear.... haiz, i cant do much because im not close to Vanessa and i dont know what happen too. I just hope you guys cherish your friends. Come on, im also your friend right, give me face la lol, ok nvm, dont give me backside can le. Take care ok and good luck for your o level english oral Azlin. Nights everyone.

Signing off,
Donuts wind


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