Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Yay, happy day!!!

Yes, i dont have to go school today because its kinda boring la and the stupid speech day will waste a lot of my time if i go to school. Mmm, i dont think i will be going to get an mc because on monday where they will check who never come, i dont think they will remember anything about the mc so yea, dont bother getting one la. Nvm de lol.

Yes, today was kinda a relaxing day from everything. During school today was very slack la, it was totally like sleeping because teacher either revise things that i already know or never come. Totally a very weak day for me. After school went back to bathe and came out again. Haiz, let my mother know i come back because i forgot to close my cabinet and the bathroom floor was wet. Stupid la, i mean i come back bathe then go out also nvm one right, dont have to shout into the phone until like that. Oh ya, went to parkway parade to get plastic cups for the old age for Sonia's school de. Then later had lunch or dinner at foodcourt. Yellow noodle, eew, seriously dont like it la but lucky got a bit more kuay tiao the aunty give or not i think i will not be able to finish the noodle. Nvm, its ok de, can eat can le. Bought a chocolate bar at giant too, nice la i tell you. Haha, wanted to buy a pen from popular but lazy to get up again to the top floor so went outside one instead. Bought bubble tea and i wait hell long for it la, she keep shaking, pouring, mixing then later press here press there, dont know do what, take so freaking long la. But hey hey, not bad le. Haiz wanted to post pictures but got none la so no choice, just words and more words.

Ok, didnt get my pen so nvm , go school then get it from my school bookshop. Dear, not i dont wanna call you but i know that you are tired so i let you rest. Of course i wanna talk to you, hearing your voice just makes me happy, if it is not for you today accompanying me at east coast stoning, i dont think i will be able to destress la. Im handling so much pressure in my life. Phew, i love you dear, have a good night rest and see you tmr, i just hope that you will be happy everyday and i will be able to see you everyday. Good night and sweet dreams everybody, im going to sleep too.

Signing off,
tired wind


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