Wednesday, August 1, 2007

What did i do?

"I just say....i love you" Mine bigger, i love you more, i win.
Mugging today. Haiz, the RGS prelim paper is really difficult, made me feel so stupid lol.

Things are really getting complicated. I dont wanna know anything anymore....dont make me confuse or go crazy over it. I didnt play today, was sleeping, studying and doing my TYS and a physics worksheet. It was freaking difficult la.

Mmmm, Sonia came over today. I was really happy about it but she was sad because she didnt make it for something but dont worry, you can do it de, just put in a bit more effort and everything will surely go into place. I can see that you are really tired, cannot walk up the stairs properly, cannot concentrate when studying because you are exchausted and thank you for everything. I thought only thursday can see you but wow, an early 2 days, thats super super good.

Wei yang called just now and he asked me to get donuts for him when he comes but im not sure when is he coming so maybe when he is coming, i will go down to paya lebar to get the donuts. Oreo one is really nice. I dont want anything bad or misunderstanding to happen. Things have just been cleared for us, if another thing come in between us again, i really dont know what will happen. All i need is you to trust me. Thats all i wanted.

Later going to find the thing that is placed into the shirt haha, until now still havent find because havent go and bathe yet. Write entry first lol. Take care and rest well ok. I love you.

Signing off,
Heck care wind


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