Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Pics pics and more pics!!!

Happy birthday sis, 22 22 22 22 years old already lol
Yea, my collection of ring, Ring count 9, special one lying down.I tell you the cake was super nice to eat ok, got banana in the middle. WOOO!!

Yep this is my masterpiece, the one and only, the greatest and the best, broken chair

BO liao then just take the front cover of the chemistry TYS.
Have you all wondered, what is the right thing in the right time, thing right thing in the wrong time and the wrong thing in the wrong time. How come no wrong thing in the right time? Because theres no such thing but it was proven likewise today.
Ok for the easiest, the right thing in the right time. Doing homework at home. Of course thats the right thing right? lol. Ok the right thing in the wrong time. Doing physics work during maths lesson. Yea, thats the right thing because you have to do physics but not in maths lesson of course unless teach allow la. Next is the wrong thing in the wrong time. Yea this is simple too. Running away from assembly and went to play. This of course both wrong wrong la.
Here comes the one that i realised its true that it exists. Doing the wrong thing at the right time. Having underage sex in the night!!! Having underage sex is wrong but having sex in the night is right.... man this was said in physics class today and everyone had a hell laugh because the teacher was telling us about things to do at the time. He, himself was stun there too lol. Didnt know how to react but last he ask that guy to go out the class. DAmn funny la tell you.
YEa today tuition again. Managed to finish an e maths paper 2 but a lot of questions not sure, have to brush up on my maths if i dont wanna fail. Came back and chiong 2 essays also. Thank you for accompanying me. Phew, hope we could get up tomorrow, its late now. I have to go and sleep too guys.
Signing off,
Right things wind?


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