Tuesday, July 17, 2007

All is well again...i hope

Today was the first first day i ever felt so happy that i took higher chinese, after hearing the paper was much harder than ours, i was quite glad i took it last year. Ok, talking about listening comprehension right, i remember about yun song sitting beside me during the examination last year and the signals we do after the questions were read. We got all the answers the same and the teacher and people around us have no idea we were telling each other answers. A-left hand on table.....B-right hand on table......C-both hand on table.....D-fold both hands. We were super happy when all the answers were the same as it was considered very easy la.

I think maybe if i take this year one i also might fail but its true if you fail, you are a noob lol(qoute from Rui Fen). This was what the people i send message too reply. Van: Can pass la but i dont think can get a1, not easy, question quite difficult. Azlin: Die le la, my answers and my friends' one are quite different, i think will fail. Rui Fen: Should be can pass la, questions are tedious, fail is noob. Sonia: Listening wasnt that bad. But i guess i'll get 9 at most.

Mmmm, quite different range of reaction after the paper, just hope for the best for you guys, i want all of you to be happy when you see your results. A1 ok!!! I know all of you can do it, you have my support.

Today took a survey about our school by the MOE then funny things keep happening inside the computer lab. There was one question that goes like this. Does your school held activity that benefit the less fortunate people. Victor was like stunning there and then he said: "School activity help less fortunate people? Should be he create activity then ask us donate, making us less fortunate." Everyone hear already cannot stop laughing la, it was freaking hilarious. Then got many question like teacher explaining to you why they discipline you....Toon Ee got pumped tooday because he just laugh and say Russell scold bad word when he was suppose to keep his mouth shut in this type of situation, it was just super funny today in school. Im glad this things happen because it really cheers me up. I know it had been cleared yesterday but there is still some unhappiness inside me that cant seem to go over, i guess its ok la. Oh ya, today Tedmond get raped again but this time its special. I joined in too lol. I and Zi Xiong held Tedmond's leg in a human cage formation, gripping his legs with our whole body. It was really firm because Tedmond couldnt even move his legs. Next was his hands, held down by Toon Ee and Victor. Damn scary actually, 3 strongest people in class(Zi Xiong, Toon Ee and me) raping Tedmond=sure die lol. Russell did the sickest thing, he strip Tedmond and keep pinching his nipple.

Tedmond also cannot do anything but scream and scream. A teacher walked pass and all of us ran to one side. She didnt see Tedmond lying on the floor but Tedmond also stop screaming because he didnt wanted to attract any attention from teacher because we might get punished for this act. After the teacher left, Tedmond thought everyone was away already but we all jumped back in and catch him again. This time he overpower the hands and start punching wildly, we didnt want to get hurt so we just left him lol.

Just now having e maths tuition and i kinda enjoyed it also lol. Wednesday having physics and sunday having a maths. Phew, im super busy lol.

Life is like a roller coaster, there is ups and downs, enjoying the best moment and waiting for the lower moment to go by. Im sorry for what happen, i shouldnt have said all those things yesterday. This is what i believe, what doesnt kill you makes you stronger. Be happy and stay healthy.

Signing off,
Happy wind


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