Saturday, July 14, 2007

A weird post in the middle of the night lol

I was sound asleep when i heard the handphone rang. Oh, dear, its 6am already. Accidentally picked and press the wrong button and hung it so sorry. Im having no problem waking and getting to school in time because i have morning call everyday from Sonia. I guess its really been hard for her, giving me a call every morning. She have to check the time before calling, worrying not to wak me up too early and not too late. Thank you so much, i think i will most likely be late if you havent wake me up today.

Went to school today and the first thing that was on the board was a one word essay. Freak la.... the word is disbelief. I stared in disbelief, mind blank and nothing went through my mind lol. Seriously dont know what to write and finally thought of something quite lame and simple but yet creative and a new plot that surely nobody will have it. Its related to Sonia's dog Blackie. She had told me about the dog being such a great companion and a lot of things, im really happy to know that actually but im kinda sad too i wont be able to see it. Im sorry if you see this Sonia, dont worry, im here, dont cry ok? I want you to be happy always.

Today in school got back a maths revision test paper, tikam tikam zhong and passed the a maths...thats what Rui Fen told me....such a cold bucket la. Got skill and studying one la, come on la, dont like that le, i pass only then you say lucky. Ok la, next time i get higher let you see, then you have nothing to say about having luck on my side ahhaha.

After school small little script check and poof, off i went home. Forgot to call Sonia until when i reached the bus stop and i gotten a call from her. She bought me something. Donuts!!! Many different one and it really tastes good. Thank you again Sonia lol. Its really nice and its the first time i love eating donuts. I always stay away from donuts because they are kinda fattening and quite greasy at times. Wooo, this one different, really change my opinion of donuts. I think i gonna have to get more of it next week, i want different flavours one ah... lol, ok i feel really bad, i should be the one buying for her instead.

Went to heartland mall to withdraw money to transfer into another bank with a higher interest. I was walking slowly with Sonia to the bank when my mother called and rushed me. I told Sonia to meet me at the third floor and i started running up. Sonia didnt know where to meet me so she gave me a call. My mother wanted me to fill in the details while i was holding the phone and my back facing her. She gave me a hard whack on the back. Seriously i almost teared la, it was pain actually, thats why you see my eyes keep on like got tears and i keep sniffing. The pain was immense man, i didnt know she got such strength or maybe its just because its my back lol. Nvm, i dont blame you, its not your fault actually, all my fault la, who ask me never tell you the direction properly. Dont worry, im fine already.

Ate curry rice, not really very nice, bought waffles and portugese egg tarts which finished at home. Waffle when walking to the mcdonalds at kovan lol. Feeling like a fat pig, eat too much already la lol. Went back and kinda doze off a bit. Haiz, somebody told me my life was like a drama show and sometimes really serious too. I guess thats why i love my life. If its all peaceful, life is boring, if its too exciting, life is too scary and dangerous so i think a balance is good. Dont have to be envious la.

I try and remember what i heard, if cannto then nvm la.
10 points to know whether you fall in love

1)You heart beats both faster and slower when you heard the voice of that person
2)You are willing to sacrifice anything for that person
3)You will keep missing that person even when you placed down the phone and just chatted a few minutes ago
4)Feel shy when you are with him but not awkward
5)You wanna let that person feel special
6)You want to spend all of your free time with that person
7)You are willing to say you love that person in any circumstances
8)Staring at him or the looks of him makes your heart skip
9)Not seeing him gives you the uneasy feeling
10)All that matters in your life is him

Cherish everyone you have, cherish everything you have and lastly cherish yourself. Life is given to you, treasure it and live life to the fullest. Be happy, be healthy be strong. Thats when life can be enjoyed. Loving somebody doesnt have to mean giving up everything for him or her but it would mean that to see the person benefit to the fullest with your given help. A relationship is bonding two individuals into a pair to overcome obstacles and blocks together. During this trial and tribulation where both party will grow and be closer bonded to each other. I love you.

Signing off,
dramatic wind


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