Tuesday, July 10, 2007

No more gaming!!!! or should i say LESS gaming!!!

I have finally got the scare of my life. Shouldnt be placed here i guess. No more going out so often, cannot game that much anymore and lastly, i will be entering the final phrase of studying, the way i always did during my primary school. I think i have lost myself after i got addicted to games. Hey Jeremy!!!! Come back, i need you.

Yea, wont be blogging that often or maybe just on a regular basis but i wont be online that often anymore. Study is more important. I think my father wont fetch me to school anymore so i will be going there myself. Nvm, at least i get a morning call everyday to ensure i wake up. Thank you so much.

Living for you and loving you with all my heart.

Signing off,
Jeremy(im coming back)


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