Thursday, July 12, 2007

Death toll!!!

I have no idea but why things keep flashing in my mine. Yea, this is what it is, bbbbbb, TICKOsin, Hong Niang, Vac hack, god mode, alisha, 101st floor. Everything is just rushing through my mind!!! Please go away, this feeling is weird, super weird, yea im trying to wipe it off my mind.

How should i start my entry today? I should say things didnt turn out well for my results but i will work hard and persevere all the way to my prelim 3. Nobody is going to stop me. I sometimes wonder why i have started gaming, i sometimes wonder why i always hang out so much and not study. Now i know the reason...its because there was no one to motivate me to study and the scare wasnt great enough to wake me up. Finally, the scare came in and the person came in too. So yea, im going to embark on the final phrase of my studies.

Will it work? I dont know but i have the confident. Will i persevere? I dont know but there is always you to be there for me. I will work hard no matter what.

Yea, i guess you are really tired today Sonia, so many rehearsal. I understand, things are often happy and sad, a mixture of both, a sense of lost everything just rojak into one. I have that feeling before. Dont worry, anything can tell me, i am a great listener lol.

Mmmm, gifts are superficial, thats what i learn, the presence and the heart is the one that is more important. A person's presence is the best present i can say.

This is what my teacher taught or so call preach!!!
1) Do what you have to do today and not do what you didnt know yesterday or what you need to do tommorrow, just complete the task required today.
2) Do not discount yourself with other things, it only devalue yourself. Be the one to mark up your price instead.
3) Learning should be intentional not incidental.
4) The mind is a powerful tool you should used for study. Keep recaping, keep reviewing.
5) The power lies in the word...the word itself.

I have no idea what the last one says but i guess it will soon reveal. Hope to get more tips of life and study. Take care and rest if you are tired ok? Early post from me today, its because i may not be going online later, going to mug!!! Mugging is good. Life is hard in sec4, you will understand one day ppl, ONE FINE DAY lol. Its not an easy process. Oh yea, victor had learn the way of creating something out of nothing, which make it nothing out of nothing because you cant do something out of nothing but he somehow did it with nothing by doing nothing... Ok thats his theory or so lol, sometimes he and I both get confused by it but yea, POKER ahahah, i finished my 65 push ups already, tomorrow i will be the one that raise the bet until like crazy!!!

Signing off,
pumped up wind


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