Thursday, July 26, 2007

Shallnt say much

What is happening when you wanna be with a person so much but have no reason to? Its because you are in love. May it be from the heart or may it be puppy love, just try it out while being wary in the process.

You wont understand i guess, mmmm, maybe when the day that it happens on you instead, you will know the feeling. Feeling a sense of insecurity isnt a great thing, you tend to wonder and ponder a lot but whats going to happen, nobody knows. Shallnt say any more, dont want anything bad to happen.

I think i will devote my life to studies. Gone through tuition today and i learnt something really important that didnt gave me a drive in my study life. Why am i wasting my time on stuff that doesnt benefit my life, with o levels ended, i can have fun all day without any regrets. People, its only 87 more days to o level, we have to buck up and get fully prepare for it. This is what i was told, you dont have to be smarter than then o levels, just being smart enough would be essential for you to get a distinction. Your main aim is to get your l1r5 to be the best, focusing on your subjects is a good alternative if you do not have much time left. Life is yours, ruining or helping it is in your hands. Im going to mug everyday, i dont wanna lag behind anymore.

My uncle said something that almost made me teared but i didnt as yea, everyone knows, i dont show my weak side to people. He said, in times of trouble, who will always be there for you? In times of need, who will be there for you? When you need financial assistance, who will be there for you? (Your friends? Nah!! Your buddies? Nah, its always your family, especially your parents.) I felt really a pierce in my heart. What did my father said to me and what my uncle told me doesnt tally but somehow i felt the warmth in his words. If it wasnt for the hard work my parents gone through, i wouldnt be able to get to where i am now. Nothing can be achieved that easily. I have nothing much to comment on them either, im just really greatful that im here now.

When I was in the car, going back home, many thoughts ran through my mind. My family, my friends, my studies, my love life, my future and many more. I was wondering if i have ever regretted things i have done in my life? I wonder if i would to die that instant, would anyone be sad or would anyone bother? I thought a lot but yea, it came to a rest when i forced myself to sleep. I dont wanna think so much, i smsed Azlin too when i was on the way to tuition, i asked her a lot of stuff la and she told me, if you really want time to pass really fast, just study or sleep. I believe so so yea, maybe i will sleep to past time, i tried playing to pass time but i felt even sadder because i am ruining my life at one point and also thinking a lot the other.

I heard this song in the car and it means a lot i guess "Moment like this" by Kelly Clarkson.

Moment Like This
What if I told you it was all meant to be
Would you believe me? Would you agree?
It's almost that feeling we've met before
So tell me that you don't think I'm crazy
When I tell you that love has come here
And a...a moment like this

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
Some people search forever for that one special Kiss
Oh I can't believe that it's happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this

Everything changes but beauty remains
Something so tender I can't explain
Well I may be dreaming but till I awake
Can't we make this dream last forever
And I'll cherish all the love we share

For a moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
Some people search forever for that one special Kiss
Oh I can't believe it's happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this

Could this be the greatest of them all
I wanna know that you will catch me when i fall
So let me tell you this
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
Some people search forever for that one special Kiss
Oh I can't believe it's happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
Like this,
OH I can't believe it's happening to me
Some People wait a lifetime for a moment like this...

Signing off,
Moment in life with the wind


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