Thursday, August 16, 2007

I deleted my game....

It looks cool, i wanna try lol but i promise my dearest to not game that much.

Haha, it sounds kinda relieving when i state that i delete my game right? Dont be cheated by this statement, i just clearing those games that i do not play. Today i was kinda shock by an sms, shouldnt say it here because it was just me thinking too much. Mmmmm, i felt kinda hurt at the start or should i say lost, mmmm, i dont know whats that feeling but when the truth came out, i was belated. Really happy i guess.
Today had the June 2007 e maths paper. It was freaking easy. Ok, that paper gave me the confident to do well for maths. Tomorrow will be the a maths one, i hope it will be that easy too so that i will be motivated to study for it. I know i can do it.
I dont think Donald will be able to see this but when you think you are good, someone is better than you. When you think you are pro, somebody is proer than you but if you think you are stupid, you are so freaking right. Come on, watch your mouth, must not be rude to your mother and sister or i will seriously bash you up. No bullying of your sister esp, i will always be there to protect her.
Today Sonia came over but she left quite early today. Phew, i was a bit jealous, she got to eat pasta with really nice cheese sauce while i still stick to my prawn paste and black pepper meat which i think is really nice. Ok, WHY DONT YOU COOK WHEN IM OVER THERE!!!! WHY???? ahhhhhh, not fair, now i feel really sad lol.
I love you my dearest, take care ok. I promise i wont fall asleep or remain silent without a response. I will reply you and stay awake to talk to you. I wanna be with you forever. Mmmm, i heard today's english oral was really difficult, suddenly i felt really happy and glad that Sonia and i completed ours yesterday. Phew, thank god. Rest early my dearest. Take care of yourself too, hope to see you in your Zenny parade if it is how it is spelt and hope to see you soon too dearest.
Signing off,
cardboard wind


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