Saturday, April 28, 2007

Simply AMAZING lol

Okay ppl, theres no class today but there was a mock examination. I tell you it was really a waste of time because we were all sitting so close that everything can copy so easily. Being weak in chinese, most ppl will think that i copy but hey...i didnt but somebody leech me instead. Haha, its kinda funny. Im suppose to be a leecher but i was leeched instead so i can say he is a leecher leecher...ok if i know what it means lol.

After that rushed home, changed and got ready to go for the study. It started raining and i was sad really... but then after i receive a phone call that i should go out to the bus stop to wait, the rain started to lessen down and i was elated. Ok the bus i was waiting for was 76 and that i was suppose to call somebody when i see any and yea you know lol, get down you know lol. Ok then we took 80 to hougang mall. Walked one whole big round as it was raining, went down the mrt and out the other exit. Went to the food court and trying to find a place but it was crowded so went to the library instead.

I did my journal as usual lol and yea she was studying chemistry. I was getting really bored as everything was so quiet...keep on get distracted by ppl walking by and also weird looking ppl but i guess she just can concentrate so well and wow, she just knows her stuff ok. SO SMART.

Later went long john, i was freaking hungry but when i ask her she only answered "ok ok only la". I asked a lot of time and keep her option of yes or no only she also keep saying ok lol. Yea as i was really hungry, then i decided that we should go. Bought combo 1 as usual and i treated her. I tell you the way she eats her chicken is hilarious but i think i did something stupid too. I kinda cut too hard and the crisps kinda fly out of the plate lol. Ok i used up 5 packets of chilli and i think i kinda eat too fast lol. She struggled with her drink too so i asked her not to force herself and i finished it for her.

Went back to my old house, it really brings back happy memory. My childhood friends, my house, my neighbours and everything that is so clear and innocent. Life was really very relaxing at that time. I asked myself "why must things change?" She answered me lol " Because everyone needs to grow". Yea, i understand that and life must go on.

We walked and walked from my old house to CHIJ Punggol to Punggol park(walk one whole round) to Punggol CC and finally to the bus stop. Mmmmm, it was quite tiring but its very meaningful. Lots of things happen(wet swing...sticky sand...wet puddles...something courageous and more la) and we too see many insects and animals like cat, frog, flies?

Yea sent her back home and then i was heading back home when my mother called. Haiz, she waiting for me at the bus stop so no choice la. Went training already then must go home(you know ah lol, dont say dont say). Can say that today was kinda fun and i think i should go somewhere lively to study or not i cannot concentrate la.

Oh ya, we were kinda talking about cell groups and service when my friend called to ask me join the cell group. Mmmm, i not interested in it but what to do, just want me to join them for fun because i went once for the easter day celebration. Ok ok i didnt make it there because i was accompanying somebody and the notice was quite last minute so i think its quite hard for me to go down to NUS which is so freaking far. If i would to go down there, i think i will die an even worse death, I think tmr you will see me in the obituaries lol. Im sry anyway for not going down today but i promise i will be donw on sunday service. I give you my words lol.

Yup, so today was it but some parts i never write la because not approapriate as some things bad kinda happen but i think today it still a great day SIMPLE AMAZING I TELL YOU. Yep, im sry for what i did wrong today, sry for what i did or did not do. Must remember to sleep early and study hard(not today because now too late le) All the best, have fun and be happy always.

Signing off,
the courageous wind


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