Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Everything in my heart!!!

Felt really ill this morning...having a fever, bad cough, sore throat and flu. Wanted to attend school but my mum said maybe i was too tired and she ask me to go back to sleep. Woke up at around 9 plus and went to the doctor. My mum accompanied me and we chatted a lot. From school work to my personal life, my friends and of course the family.

I know my mum is under a lot of stress and i know that she is upset that i was unable to perform well for my prelim 1. I promise myself and her (which i didnt told her) that i will do well for the oncoming examinations but i do hope YOU can help me lol. I know you agreed in helping me already, thanks a lot. I kinda think a lot today. I cant really express how i feel but the only word that can really voice out my feeling would be relief.

I believe that at every moment of time, there will somebody that cares and worries about me, my friends, my family, somebody cute and can i put myself into this? ok this one i not sure because i keep worrying about myself lol.

Lets see, i kinda like to qoute from things that i see. Ok i list down a few nice ones.

---"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you."
---"A love one is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."
---"We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere."

Its quite meaningful and true. Its just special being with somebody you love and also among true friends. Less dispute, less quarrels, loyal friends, always be there for you and many more. They will try their best to help you and not pin you down. The 3 best friends that have always been there for me can be as follow: Weiliang, Bai qun and Charles. Oh ya, my class rocks too, they have always make me laugh and seriously my partner and my closer friends that are in class seriously are cool too. Name some ba: Wei da, Sherwin, Victor, Rus, Zi xiong, Toons, Tedmond aka 40 man, eh those i never name doesnt mean you not my friend hor, only that i say name some not name all lol.

I can say that my life is quite pleasant and i really enjoy every part of it. Im not sure whether i can mention one more name as im not sure whether she will mind but she had always been there for me too. Chatting to late nights, listening to my problems and crapiness, expressing my feelings and sometime just talking things that are no link. Her mid-year is tmr so i think maybe i should let her concentrate on her studies, ok maybe talk a little bit only lol. She is smart and she mugs a lot so i think it would be a breeze for her but i dont wish to be a distraction later i feel so bad about it lol.

All the best in your studies and remember to sleep early today. It not only gives you energy for tmr but also lets you concentrate and focus better. I think i will make sure you sleep early today lol. Not sure how but i will try my best. Good luck and i will follow where my heart takes me. Maybe i will write another entry about how im sleeping later lol.

Signing off,
The gentle breeze


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