Sunday, April 22, 2007

Tuition, remedial and fun

Morning wake up at 8, then just rushed to the toilet and told my dad i got remedial. He was like "why yesterday never tell me, later i go for work already you have to go school yourself." I did the usual stuff and my dad drove me to school.

Reached school at 8.50, waited until 9.20 then the teacher come, early know i sleep longer a bit, a bit also good le ahah. Sms a bit in class la but mostly also dozing off because his pace is really very "fast".

Rushed home after remedial, took a bathe and changed. Took a 76 down to Parkway Parade for some tuition that my friend recommend. Dont really know when to drop so i asked the uncle.

I said "Uncle how many more stops to Parkway Parade?"
He said "4 more bus stops"
I asked "From this stop count or next stop?"
He replied "Also can."
I asked and stun there "Huh? Also can? then like that is how many?
He laughed then say, "Aiyah, later reach le then tell you la, go sit down there first, later the bus jerk you fall down..."

But he look so kind that type, so i sat down and when reached already he called me to alight. Lucky he never cheat my feeling, called my friend then he rushed down to bring me. At first when we walked, i thought he was bringing me go sell, walk across road, go in Cold Storage and i was feeling weird by the way he brought me there. Finally then i realise the tuition center was in a mall, go in Cold Storage is shortcut...

Then it was in the tuition itself, i guess i will never meet another person who can reach the level of lameness. It was totally no link, the teacher talks and she laughs at her own lame jokes. I almost freeze to death there... Some example if i can remember is she saying not to say shhhh, later she shee shee there... then another one is she saying that her daughter was in school. The teacher did some mistake when doing the sums, she asked her students where was the mistake, then her students say the mistake was on the board. Then this one quite lame already but she herself think its freaking funny and repeat it twice i think. Wah, really cannot tahan. One more thing is that she teaches like a bullet train. Dont know whether is i learn or she learn, she give the question then she straight away write the solution and answer but overall shes just a nice teacher.

Finished already then went to eat with my friends. Yoshinoya...somebody cannot finish eating lol, somebody... One more thing, normal ppl throw vegetable on the table is just pick and put on the table but somebody very special, must keep fling the chopsticks then the vegetables drop lol. It was kinda cute though and quite funny. 2 of my friends have to rush back for their chemistry lessons so it was left with me and that special person.

I brought her back and i wasnt suppose to look at the place she is staying lol. But i really didnt la, must respect her la, just brought her to her condo outside only then off i went home. She say she got chemistry home tuition at she really is mugging hard, i guess i have to say this again, i think im the only one that is not studying now.

Went vivo in the evening and ate swensen, wow i tell you the things there are freaking expensive but the standard is there man... The crayfish is amazing. Went home tired and now blogging. Wooo, somebody say i look beng also. I think never see clearly la but i guess you have to really know me then you will know im not beng at all. Im a kind gentle soul? Haha, its suppose to be judged by yourself not me lol.

Yea ppl, guess this entry is freaking long but its fun writing it too, Rest well everybody, esp you you y-o-u you, who always sleep so late lol.

Signing off,
the guided wind


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