Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Im confuse, theres are so many things in my mind

I've recovered i guess, coughing lessen, can smell things already and food taste good. Slept the whole day yesterday and when i reached school today...i forgot i need to do my journal. During the mock summary examination, i took out my journal and rushed through it.

Amazing i tell you..i only took 5 mins and there it was. 2 complete pages of journal, very crappy, very simple but just great that i have done it. Today Tedmond again get suan by rus but i guess hes used to it lol.

Im really very confuse...but i hope to keep it to myself. This i promise myself i wont tell anybody, maybe only to my sis. I just hope this will go over soon and i will be back on track in life again.

Qoute from a song:
"Wished that i could cry. Fall upon my knees. Find a way to lie, about a home i'll never see."

It may seem that i am such a happy person and i often make ppl laugh but i think inside me, theres a part that is empty. Its not about having friends, its just very difficult to explain.

Nvm, proceed on with my day then... Played dodgeball again this time can move around and shots made were mostly clean i can say. Only that most of them tend to hide under table and chairs which could get very irritating at times.

Hey those having examinations, all the best to you. May you score well and must remember to rest early, esp those who always sleep so late. Oh ya, heres one question to ponder about, if can just give me an answer on my tagboard. Maybe i will post some questions everytime i write an entry. May not seem relevant to your life but it will good if you can advise ppl that really need it.

Is it true that a person should try his or her best to be with their love ones even when they love somebody else?

Signing off,
the lost wind


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