Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Bottling things up may not me a good thing

This entry may not be totally about my life, its more about questions

Qn: Have anyone really thought what love is about?
Ans: Its all about trust, loyalty and allowing both party to grow in this process.

Qn: Should either couple be possesive and gets jealous at times?
Ans: From my point of view, i think only to a certain extent. Not being possesive or jealous at all might cause the other party to think that he or she is not serious about the relationship. Too much, however, will lead to toxic love where both party will suffer a lot in the relationship.

Qn: What are the consequences or process of couples in love?
Ans: Processes ( holding hands, hugging, kissing ok anymore than that i shall not mention) for the consequences, there are good and bad consequences. For the bad ones, both party are affected in their study areas. They will tend to quarrel very often. They often have conflicts that starts from a small matter. They will feel pressure by each other's problems. Good points however, both will excel in their studies as both party can help each other, both will build up trust and there will be less conflict among both of them. Both will feel very happy and contented, even if its only on the phone.

Qn: Should a person continuing liking somebody that likes another person?
Ans: This question have been posted in the previous entry. I think that they should until the person is unavailable. But you must not put 100% heart in it as the deeper you indulge the harder to fall.

Qn: What should you do if you had broken up and really want to forget about him or her?
Ans: Its almost quite impossible to not think about the person for the first few days, some symptoms will be like constant checking of the handphone, wishing that he or she might call or sms you. Your heart will not be with your body and concentration level would be very low in class or in work. But if you have already made up your mind, this is what i advise. Try not to contact him or her anymore, try and not see or find out the other person's ongoing and his or her life. It will only make you more worry if you found out that the other person is with another person or she is not living as happy as he or she should be so i advise not to have any contact at all. Its hard i know but its really worth it if you have made up your mind.

I know this may not be very effective or if it helps you but dont worry, just post your questions on my tagboard or comment my entries. I will try my best to find out more and give out answers in my next few entries ok?

Signing off,
Grandpa wind


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