Friday, May 18, 2007

Back early today haah

Today was freaking boring in chinese. 2 hours to go through 2 papers...its like hello, higher chinese here, whats with us doing intensive now when our exams are like so far away. Haiz after that ss test on housing. Ok didnt really do very well as the points i cant really elaborate it and the time given was quite short. After ss test, maths test. So difficult la, on combination and permutation. I think can pass but cannot score really well so just pray hard i guess. After that no geog and i thought can be able to go home early but but but....maths teacher call me back to have a maths remedial. I seriously hate a maths i got no idea why mmmm maybe its because i totally dont understand anything at all and because i dont have the secondary 3 foundations la.

Left at 3 and Tedmond dad gave me a lift to seragoon mrt, how fortunate am i lol. Lucky have his dad to fetch or im prepare to get super wet. On the way in the car, there was a huge huge puddle of water. The car drove through it and was blinded in water. Really cannot see at all la but lucky the dad stood calm and slowly stepped the brakes to allow the water to clear from the screen. No care...phew or not sure bang because the road was really screwed. Another lucky incident i guess. Dropped at seragoon mrt and walked home. Still got a bit of gap need to use umbrella because how can you expect a linkway or shelter to be all the way to a landed house....

Reached home and i have training again today. Haiz, very tiring le, everyday train and train, not tired or wont die is fake one la. Ok ok, still got a maths to complete so well, i better get going and finish my work too.

Take care, you seemed really tired Sonia. Dont fall ill or not it wont be really nice lol. Of course ill not nice, what am i talking lol. Just remember to rest early and Happy birthday Amanda(Felicia's sister). Yee kiat send me a message to wish her happy birthday and i was like totally WHO IS THAT? haha, yuan lai ru chi lol. Didnt know until he said it was felicia's sis. Oh ya, adding on Tedmond got raped again in class and i just stand there and look...i feel so bad oh my... why didnt i join in? No la, im not sick lol i mean why didnt i help(tedmond) lol not help the rest.

Yea, i think thats all for today...maybe if im free later then i write another entry but where got so bo liao...after training got things to write again. Ha, the fighters there at my training place is freaking fast but mmmm, strength wise i think they better have to train up or not they cant really get a medal. Yea, all jiayou jiayou and take care. Random ending again ba. I love you and im serious about it(you know who)

Signing off,
Early breeze(lightning and thunder)


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