Monday, May 14, 2007

What has gotten into me...was i really mad?

12th May, I came back from school and i thought everything was alright. Ok, nothing of alright came into the picture. Ate lunch before i came back. My mum called me to the kitchen and we started talking. She knew that i didnt went for training( i think its my sis that told her), she knew i went to attend something on church because she checked by bag and found that song list and she started scolding me. She asked me why i lied to her and she said that i have gone overboard. She told me that it was my instruction that told her that i was not attending lessons but it was obviously not la. The conversation is as followed.

"Your instructor told me in the afternoon that you didnt went for training. I wanted to trust my son so i let you tell me everything first before i come and tell you that i had already known the truth." My mum said.

"Cannot be la, i call him now, see what he say to you." I said after much talking from her saying about me getting ignorant and rude.

I got a call from my instructor and he told me he said nothing of a sort. Hearing this, i shouted at my mother and told her that she was lying also. At this time, she twisted her words saying that my instructor told her in the morning that i didnt attend lessons for the past week. I was shocked to hear that because i did attend training the past week. I shouted at her that why she could lie about things then why still come and bother about the things i lied. With this i went up and into my room. She asked me to bathe and change but i refused...she dont even allow me to change in my room...only in the toilet. I just went to the toilet unwillingly and changed. She went down to call my instructor while i was hearing everything from the top.

Ok i seriously did it on impulse, i just took my wallet, without my handphone and no keys either, i went down, opened the whole gate and just walked away. Went over to some unkonwn place with my sis behind my back, with that i walked over the overhead bridge so that she wont be able to follow me because she was afriad of heights.

I went under a block and stoned there for a few hours...i thought of everything that i have done but because even when at the time i was living, my mum screamed at me. I thought that it was really the end of the line whereby i will not go back anymore. I walked around a bit more and decided to go Weiliang's house. When i reached there, his father's back image was the first i saw and i hesitated whether to press the doorbell because i didnt really wanted to bother him and i couldnt call them either. Finally, i just walked up to the door and pressed it. His father turned and was quite surprised to see me. He opened the door and told Weiliang to wake up(seriously i dont know he was still sleeping because it was already like 2pm lol). Eh sry weiliang, i didnt mean to wake you up but really thanks a lot ytd.

Played and entertain myself with the laptop in his house, drank cereal and told the dad i was going to stay over. I lied again when he asked whether my parents know that i will be staying over that day. Sry uncle, i know you treat me like your son since i have known your son really long. Im very close to them and they also treat me very well, i really respect them and im really sry for telling a lie.

Managed to get Sonia and she came over to accompany me too. Ate dinner over at weiliang's house and because i didnt want to lie, i told weiliang's father i had to go now and not going to stay over. I walked from Hougang to Serangoon(1 hour plus plus) very long walk but Sonia was with me. She was afraid that i did not want to go home. Ok i was quite touched by that.

Ok la, i stoned through the night after Sonia left. Didnt really do anything but stoning... Dont have a phone, cannot get a phone so got nothing to do also. Morning(yea you know those who know where i am), bathed and went out to East Coast. Wanted to cycle but my back really hurt(ok i say a little only but yea it was quite bad), sat at the stone seat and stare into the sea again(with Sonia again, i tell you she really is so great, i called her in the morning and she immediately say can). Went to Mcdonalds after that and go into a bowling alley. See many playing and was quite tempted but never bring socks...strictly with socks only so haiz...cannot play.

Fetched her back and before sending her back, we stoned together at the bus stop. Haha, i didnt know there was another person that could stone with me so well. Ok it was quite a time killer but i think that i have sort out my thinkings. I went home after i fetched her back and the first thing i told my mum was that im sorry for what i have done and Happy Mother's Day. She cried and i wanted to but but but i held it back. It was yea...barbecue and there was quite many ppl here. Murphy and Sarah(couple from China, me and my sis's best friends), my sis's boyfriend, my dad, my mum, my sis and me. Really enjoyed the dinner.

Sonia and Weiliang(thanks a lot a lot a lot INFINITE times) Santy, Yee kiat, Trudy, Delphine and Felicia(Sorry about not being able to pick up phones, unable to comfirm timings and not being able to attend the servive, i hope you all can understand)

Today's entry is really long so if you wanna read, im really sry too. It might bore you because this is 2 days entry. Im just so sorry about everything. Sonia, take care too, thanks so much for being there for me when i really needed someone.

Signing off,
The sincere wind


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