Monday, May 14, 2007

What a news i gotten...

Today school was quite boring and i got myself 1 hour to sleep. 7-8am english reading period was a pure period for relaxation haha you know sleeping very soundly without any teacher coming into the classroom to check on us. 8-8.50 chinese, 8.50-9.40 english. Recess time will be from 9.40 to 10am every day for the next 2 weeks. Its like what the....30 mins already consider very short because need to queue together with the secondary 3 but now left 20 mins....pathetic.

After recess 2 hours of so call intensive chinese because o level coming. Eh, being higher chinese student not bad le, can use this 2 hours to watch movie. Today watch Jet li's so called best movie, no string attached, no fake moves all real kung fu. Haha, i was literally laughing the whole show because i didnt know Shaolin's martial art was so "dirty". They keep attacking the sensitive area you know lol. Wasnt able to sleep in the auditorium because firstly it was hot and the movie was too lame and everybody keep laughing so haha, watched the whole movie and i think i enjoyed it i guess.

Went back got double chem and then pure. Got scolded from our geog teacher because got som retarted person comment totally negatively about her teachings on the survey form. Eh ppl, use your brain la, she is a good teacher, HOD of Geog, even though you dont like the way she drill us or scold us, she is jsut damn good la. Haiz, she got really angry and said that if we dont appreciate her, she will be teaching other calsses instead. Ok, i will surely beg her to take me in if i were to change classes.

After that hehe, went walking with BLACKIE. So cute la the little dog. Dont tell you all whose one. Didnt know blackie was so hyper, it tried jumping on me quite a few time and when i let it lick my hands, he start licking from my hands to the legs(skipping obviously the middle part la lol) Slept again in a very comfortable spot haha, cute just simply cute. I just feel that suddenly the spot became sry ah, if you had to move away because i was occupying too much place lol. Cute, very cute, if you know what i mean.

Ok, took a bus home and i slept in it again. I think today is the day i slept the longest. Phew, got down the bus went home and waited for my mum to cook. My mum got back and she called my dad to talked over matters. I heard from my mum that my dad wants to marry the lady...!!?!??! That is totally incorrigable. The lawyer had stated that if she was to marry my dad, the house half will belong to her....WTF is this man. HALF LE, she doesnt even deserve a 1mx1m land from my house. If she really dare to do it, i will wreak havoc like there was no tmr.

I just dont understand why my father like her. She is cunning, shrewd, slutty, bitchy, irresponsible, irritating, annoying, selfish, retarted ass. She is obviously aiming for the money and the things that my father have.... Eh tell you all la (ESP HER) my mum is the one that is rich, not my dad, what my dad have is only his hands his legs and nothing else. He where got money, the car, the house, even most of our expenditure is from my mother. My mother dont show it because it is just giving my father face but i dont think my father is appreciating it so why bother. Im not afriad to tell ppl that. That LADY is super dirty i tell you. She slept with so many man dad's cousin last time, an indonesian rich guy last time and her ex husband who even have 2 kids. She doesnt take care fo the kids either, what type of mother is this la, so stupid.

I shallnt get angry over retarted beings. Hearing or even seeing them just makes my blood boil. If she thinks she really is that great, just get the hell lost from anywhere near my house and work yourself out, who cares even if you go be a prostitute, it wont really matter to you much.

Too many insulting words, so sinful but if i dont type things out i will just explode. No name stated so i dont think that this is illegal. If that person know who she is then too bad lor, ownself deserve it one.

Sry ah ppl, didnt mean to blog an entry like this today. Its just that i feel that its too unfair letting ppl reap what my mum sow so you know, i just have to blast everything out. I will never let her in, not even a single step. She dare to step in, i will throw her into the rubbish bin and never to let her out of it.

Signing off,
the pissed off wind


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