Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Its going to be 2 more years

Haiz, studying year starts again. As you thought everything had officially ended in secondary school, the jc lifes start again. Haiz, im super tired of studying and i dont wanna leave dearest. All alone, i understand dear dear, im sorry.

Going to be a short post because time constrain and i need to sleep soon. Rest early too ok dearest. Since its early in the morning, i guess i have to wake up myself. Dont worry ok dearest, i can wake up de.

I had really great time with dearest yesterday. We went East Coast and spend he year together lol. The fireworks was great, the ships shot some fireworks too which last really long in the sky. Its like giving stars to the ocean.

We saw indians dancing too...or should i say running about. He went on stage and started jogging around.... He thinks he is damn cool but it really sucks. You call running or jogging around dancing. It was hilarious la.

Shallnt be racist as im not? Lol, i wanna spend more time with you dearest.

I guess i shall be stopping here. Going to nyjc tomorrow. Geez, i dont know whats goin to be the schedule and i wanna meet dearest straight after that. See you dearest, wait for my sms ok. I love you.

Signing off,
Jc wind


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