Saturday, December 1, 2007


Final fantasy is one of the best made....i cant wait to play it again

Heroes is a nice show

Its like dearest came over and we watched a few episodes of Heroes, its really nice la. I cant believe how nice it is, some of them had great powers that i wanna have to. Persuasive power and stuff...geez i know it doesnt work in the real world.

Daley and princess did a few nice things together. Or should i say productive matter. THey had *** ahhaha, dearest was like screaming in the phone because they keep doing it again and again. I know its kinda weird to see such a scene but its mother nature. I cant believe they do it too because they kinda fight and dont really go well.

Guess its a short entry but after i come back from eating, i will write a more detailed blog.

Signing off,
*** wind


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