Friday, November 23, 2007

Water bomb is fun

Ok, met dearest at 9.25am. Haha, bought the stupid drink again. I was kinda threaten to buy the drink because got sotong ball....cant believe it...because of sotong ball lol. Nvm, when i went in, lucky the uncle that is always there is not there today. Everytime we walk pass we will buy from him honey lemon drink. This one very nice to drink and no sugar added. Bought until know that guy already. Everytime we walk pass he will smile at me. Geez, dont know whether its a good thing or not.

Today went over to Alve house... its to celebrate alicia's birthday. To be honest, i have never gotten something like a celebration from my friends. I know they will not do it because its just kinda funny for a guy to have such thing from them. The presents were hell cool too. I wish i had one book of that wiould kinda be funny after that because i would just put it aside after that.

Hide in alve's grandparents room. Kinda funny. I was holding onto the video camera to take down the scene while fluff hold onto the spray to squirt on alicia's face. It was hilarious but the whole process can almost hear ph's screaming all the way. It was damn funny la. After that some play xbox, some do water balloon and finally, it was time to go down to play. Fun le, Catch, whack, shiok man. I caught some and throw. Ph was the winner, you know why? Because wettest lol. I threw the whole bucket of water on her. Dearest got from who? Obvious is me la. Her hair cannot get chlorine la but then she protected me too. Help me i mean, thanks a lot my dearest.

Got one security guard, damn lame....How can people complain so fast? He was like, you take pool water ah and splash ppl is it? No....tap lamer. I cisco ok... PH:What is cisco? Who is cisco? It seriously made him super stupid looking i tell you. He had to explain things. After he walked a bit. I said damn damn loudly. Aiyah, know what is cisco or not...its just low paying door watcher that walks around nothing to do. Low class police correct le la. Pissed off man. i wanna play with him de but then he not the one at the guard house now so too bad. Maybe next time i see him, i wanna try some new stuff (:

Went to watch enchanted. Gosh, its a hilarious show i tell you...The chipmunk is cute....but then haha, got some part damn lame also...why cant dragons fly? Haiz, the queen dragon just fall to her death but then damn nice le. Its super sparkly and you know, amazing lol.

Went to pasta mania to take a bite. Ordered marinara(seafood pasta) while dearest ordered spicy chicken. As usual, finish quite fast and then played with the cheese. Its nice, eat it straight and it taste good too. Dearest, it was fun having you with me. Hahaha, i love you so much dearest.

Sorry i cant accompany you through the night. Nvm, we going to have more time together too right? Hahaha, heres the entry. Sorry i took so long. I do what i promise. Sorry dearest. I love you.

Signing off,
enchanted wind


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