Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Finally, the day, the day!!!!

Phew, everything is over for now. O level is the past, the past YES the past. Ok, i cant wait to scream my lungs out, which i guess i wont be doing as you know that i dont like screaming.

First thing on the list is that weiliang and bai qun came over to stay and we played the whole night. It was on the day we finish our chemistry and our physics mcq paper. You know...we dont take bio so that day was the end of o level. We played until 7 am. Ok this was what i told dearest:"What time you wake up is what time we sleep" It was true, really true, we played until so long that we woke up at 11.05am. I was suppose to meet dearest and her friend at 11.30am. Oh no...die le die le, i chiong into the bathroom, took a bathe prepare and chiong out. Ok, we took a cab, its much faster and dont have to let dearest wait so long. Im sorry im late, i wont be late again ok dearest.

Ivy...evil grin, hand on the chin...woah, i dont know what to say lol. I knew it was her along and wheres dearest? Behind the wall and they were holding onto drinks. Off we went to Bugis, wl and bq was coming along too because wl have to buy grad night stuff. Before shopping around, we went to the food court. I ordered pasta, bq and wl ordered ban mian. Pasta: $6.80 Ban mian: $3.80. Sian, no wonder the whites so rich and the chinese quite poor, the food also cost twice the amount...

Yep, started to walk? Nah, dont know where to walk la. Went to the board and look at it for a moment. First thing that caught my eye: Astroboy... Cool shop i guess. Dont know exactly what it sell but then the first thing we were going to look for was a black shirt for wl. Went to topman and couldnt find a suitable one. Went into the shopping centre and walk around...flower shirt, damn old fashion man, you think 80's rewind ah. Lastly went to 77th street. Just wanted to get an accesorry but thanks to dearest, wl got his jeans and shirt. Necklace bai chi lol. Dont even know how to wear the necklace la wl, quite funny la but because he dont wear one ma, never mind, he will slowly learn haha. Black billabong shirt $59.90, Jeans $49.90, Necklace $8.90, Billabong belt (borrowed from me), black nike shoes(also from me) and i wanted to lend him chain but then it will look very guai lan so nah...never lend him.

Ok, after completing his transformation, we went to the arcade. Spot the differences. Haha, so many so many so many round!!!! woah, i tell you the pictures are kinda...erotic? If thats the word i should use. Always have put 2 balls come out you know and that area sure got problem...hahaha, wanted to play daytona but then 2 machine only so nah...other time other place ba.

Came out of there and bought Strawberry smoothie. The dam shiok drink, cannot tahan. After that dont know where to walk action city, playing with mario, monkey, massager and many more la. kinda weird stuff there. LAMP LAMP, the switch which is the dick, DAMN COOL. Im gonna so get one.

Went home le...haiz sry dearest. Made her sad for a moment but then later i drag her into the train with me to follow me back. Her mood change....HAPPY YAY. Hahaha, ok i kinda drive wl and bq home but nvm, dearest here ma. They also tired so let them go back rest lor. Tried to sleep while dearest played with my psp. Haha, she keep poking and tickling me la...hard to sleep but im not angry, just kinda exhausted.

Ok, watched Jimmyt Neutron together and ate dinner. Went up to rest and oh yea...we watched Heroes on monday together too. I like the Japanese guy: teleport himself into the girl's toilet. How cool is that. The black guy most useless, like no power like that. The girl that cannot die, its freaking disgusting...imagine you shattering and fixing back up again, that is seriously gross.

Ok dearest took so many thing back and im so sad i cant go with her. I wanted to help her all the way back but i guess my mum will go crazy over that lol. Ok, nvm, can be with dearest again tomorrow. Going to shop around and see stuff, buy bags, shirts, shoes, things and many more la. Just be happy can le.

Bq is going back on the 15th, hope i can fetch him off. Bye bq, we will miss you...not you dying or what la, just that maybe we would not meet also different le ma. Thanks for being such a great friend bq. Thank you.

Ok, dearest, i know i made you wait so long for this post but i know its worth it. I love you so much. I dont wanna the same things to happen to us. I dont wanna leave you, i wanna be in the same school as you. Rest well dearest, see you tomorrow. Good luck everyone for the results and ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAY!!!!

Signing off,
Bold wind


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