Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ok ok, its going to be over

Another 3 days....3 MORE DAYS and it will be the end of o levels. Cant wait to be back to the normal self where i dont have to touch books anymore. The end of 4 years, 4 long long years. Ok, to be honest, who the hell studies for mcq? Hehe, started gaming le for heavens sake and im going out so often until go back so late lol.

After os, i will be hell free, damn free, super free. Ok....dearest ah dearest ah, my picture le, i waiting until now still havent get any so i blog first. Later if i finish everything and receive the picture then i try and blog again.

Fine ok Charles, i really busy gaming lol, cant think of any gamer that dont game now. Wl, Bq, Quek and me all also playing la. Who will study for mcq de la. Yeah, today went to ECP(just stone there see ppl) also very happy le because im with Dearest.

I guess that i will be back to writing posts after my o level. I know its been dead since teh start of o level. Today is 'somebody' tell me i must blog then i blog one la or not i sure wait until o level finish then start blogging again.

Ok, guys, persevere on? haha, dont know what to say la, just be happy that all our hard work will be rewarded soon. Good luck guys, take care of yourself. 4 more days 4 more and everyone will be so damn happy. For those who havent take the o level...dont worry, its easy, just make sure you dont talk in it or not prepare to write some reports lol.

Signing off,
gaming wind


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