Thursday, September 13, 2007

Phew a late entry

This few days damn busy with the prelims. Haiz, i know a maths gone case but i did well for the rest of my subjects. Hehe, talked with my aunty today and found out many things. My cousin in RGS is smart in language but not good in humanities and sciences. Sec 1 only so still quite relax but its hard to cope because from primary to secondary from a mere 3 or 4 to 7 or 8 WOW. Thats like 2x you know. Its normal if ppl get stressed out in secondary school but it will be well adjusted soon dont worry Joie, do your best, i will try and help you in any way i could after my o level ok?

Next would be promise. Haiz, its hard to keep promises you know. I tend to break them and then later everyone would not be happy. I guess i have to think before saying anything from now on. Sad la sad la, little doggy, i miss you too. I wanted to bring you around to run. Dear... I understand, its not only a dog, its like a family member. You know i feel it too.

Played a lot today haiz...sinner sinner, gaming is for the WEAK(GRRRR), haiz but im weak lol. Nvm, tomorrow shall be going to dearest house to study and maybe can bring my computer over? Mmmm, see first ba, can watch movie with it because i will be spennding long hour. First thing to bring...myself la lol, then later some food...there no tidbits, im sad.

Ok here is the part where it made me super super angry. I wasnt allowed to eat the glutinous rice!!! And when its warmed up and tasted, somebody ah somebody ah, purposely come tempt me say very nice. Hungry la, make me so happy thought can eat, later tell me not nice but then the other way round. I bite your butt ah....

Nah, just kidding on the angry part, was just feeling a bit wasted lol. Should have just try it no matter how it look like or so. Geez, i was just popping by this blog and i saw a chinese joke. It was kinda crude...mostly calling you know my game id the name. the Chee thing you know. Damn funny but damn lame also la lol.

Work hard for your bio tomorrow dearest, I will be in bed supporting you mentally. Mmmm, i know you can feel my presence....not the die the presence hor is the support ok. Kk, i think i shall go and sleep soon too. Good night everybody. I found out something. I fell in love more than i did with you. Madly!!!! Rest well dear, nights.

Signing off,
Sorry wind


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