Tuesday, September 4, 2007

All shall be gone lol

Mmm, dearest came to my house at 9am....phew i was still sleep like a pig. I felt so bad she hadve to wake up so early just to come over...how could i do that. Came over and slept for a while more, very tired la, i also lol, even though i slept earlier yesterday oops.

i woke up at 11.45am to bathe and change because we wanted to go out. I bathe while dearest continue to pig haha. Finish bathing, changed and call her woke up and off we go to Kovan. Haiz the weather is bad, didnt manage to get the cage. I saw my schoolmate at kovan mcdonalds and also my instructor with all my training area fighters...cool man. I took a chance to greet them, guess what, one of my instructor's student is dearest's godbro. Some things happen but i dont wish to mention because i feel quite childish. I was glad you came up, i didnt know what to do actually. I could only hold you in my arms and let you cry. Dont cry anymore dearest, its hurts my heart too.

Qoute from my dearest sms: "Dearest, i'm just smsing you to say that i miss you. I've realised that no matter what misunderstandings or arguments we have, at the end of the day, they all seem like nothing. Because i love you so much dear. In my eyes, you are ever so perfect."

When i receive this message, i was stun for words. I felt really touch and i was glad that i met you dear. Forgive me if i have done anything wrong ok dearest, i always love you. These are all words from the bottom of my heart. If i could turn back time, i would never have done things that hurt you. Im sorry too ok dear.

Im not feeling well now, cold, in pain and it hurts a lot on the leg. I hope that my leg wont be swollen tomorrow, fell down just now and hit the edge of the wall....Haiz kinda retarded actually, dont want to say also la lol, let ppl laugh at me only.

Oh yea one last thing, managed to get the cage today with bottle to drink, a place to put the food, a small little porcelin container to put the bedding sand that we bought too and lastly, a bag full of seeds that the hamsters really like. Jealous right jealous right, even humans dont get so much benefit and priveledges like my hamsters do. I love them a lot too. Dearest didnt manage to bring them back because it was quite a rush as i forgot i got tuition today. I was freezing in tuition today, wasnt feeling well and having a fever. Haiz, i hope to get well soon and i dont wanna spread it to my dearest too. I love you dear, call me if you see my blog, i cant seem to get you on your sms.

Signing off,
Sickly wind


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