Tuesday, November 20, 2007

7th month!!!

A blink of an eye and its already 7 months with dearest. Im kinda tired today so just blogged a short entry. Woah, we spend the whole day together on the 19th yesterday. When i say whole day, i mean more than 24 hours. Dearest stayed over my place.

Haha, it was kinda tiring actually. We slept until 10 plus am. Changed into semi-formal wear and took a mrt down to plaza singapura. Going to meet Ph and friends later at 5.15(singapore swimming club for the graduation night thing)

Ok, went to plaza singapura and wanted to watch a movie but then hor...it was already quite late so we didnt watch but went to the arcade instead. Ahahaha, whack whack whack, poke poke poke, so many things to play. I had fun, so much fun.

After that took an mrt to paya lebar then a cab to singapore swimming club. Oh oh, i say wrongly, i say chinese swimming club but then detour back hehe :) sry. Ok met a lot of ppl. "I wont say fat to hi ppl" wahaha, i cant believe i say that. I wanted to say i wont say hi to fat ppl. Ok, never mind. Eee, dont wanna say anyhting more.

Went back in a cab to suntec. Managed to get a movie of BRATZ. nice i tell you, damn nice, some part damn sad, some part damn cool. I think the chinese girl rocks. Ok, fnish le then walked to the bus stop and send dearest back home. Tired, got onto the last bus and tada im back home already. Wooo wheres my phone, i have to call dearest!!!

Ok, i will be going down tmr, maybe i will blog more detailly tmr, adding on to things for this posts on another entry and stuff. Thanks everyone, i had hell fun, rest well dearest, i love you and happy 7th month....!!!

Signing off,
7 month wind


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