Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mmmm, today is fun

We had steamboat together today (:

A picture dearest took when we were heading to Bugis

Its a nice picture....i dont understand why you dont like it and ask me not to put it?

The beef, the cow, HOLY!!! A lot have been consumed today

Haiz, today had to stay home because some peopleis coming to fix the doors, curtains and stuff. Haha, to tell you all the truth, i didnt had a door to the toilet at my house for about a week. We use bedsheet and my mum's main door as the door lol. Its kinda funny and i had to bathe inside an air-con room. How cool is that? When i say cool, i really mean cool brrrrr.

After everything finish, dearest and i went out. First destination that we thought out to go was plaza singapura. Didnt know where to go as it was kinda boring in Singapore already. Next, during the mrt, decided to go busgis instead. We wanted to eat seoul garden because there is no carbohydrate to a buffet. Can be full and no carbo, no sin wahahaha. Reached Bugis junction and went upstairs to Seoul Garden... Dang....only got adult dinner meal. It was late already so no student meal, no lunch meal and blah blah blah. 17.80++!!! Wah lao eh, so ex, can get something much better outside la. ++finish become 20 plus then where got worth it. Mmmm, got really disappointed and started wandering around. Ok, the thought came to dearest mind. That time we went to the place to celebrate my sister birthday, the buffet place.

I called Murphy to ask for the location and the price. It sounded reasonable and guess what? It was here...opposite Bugis Junction only. I guess lady luck is on our side today. Woohoo, dearest is so smart!!!! Haha, went over and look at the pricing. 17.80....we were quite sad but but drinks, no ++ and nett price. Woah, worth it, the person say they may even give us discount (:

Went in and off we went to an eating spree. I guess we ordered (in plates) a total of 6 beef, 4 golden mushrooms, 2 prawns, 2 cow stomach, 1 chicken, 1 pork, 2 meat ball, 1 fish, 1 cuttlefish and watermelon. Drinks i drank 3 cups of calamasi and dearest a bundung. Damn it...Bundung is just rose syrup add condense milk. I now then wonder i dont like. I dont like rose syrup.

Full stomach and like a baby inside me. I finally what is the feeling of having a baby. Wooo, thank god i cant be pregnant. Send dearest back to paya lebar and because i didnt bring the other memory stic, i lend my psp to dearest. Hope you have fun but i guess you got really frustrated by the rat... lol not being able to jump is kinda angering i know. Its not the first time i got upset because i cant do things int he game. Dont worry dearest, just have fun and you must know that games are meant to be enjoyed, not be angry with.

Took some pictures but i guess i only will post the first one at the top. Its a really nice picture. It was taken at paya lebar when we alighted and dearest and i was about to go home. Haha, talked to wl too and haiz, we are going to get our result tomorrow about which jc we will be entering during the first month. The best is can go into the same school. I wanna keep in contact with them. I dont wanna lose contact...its kinda sad...really sad. I know its kinda weird seeing things like this being wrote by me but who got no feelings? Dont everyone treasure friends a lot?

Cant play today already i guess. Sorry wl, tomorrow in office then play with you when im free ok. Maybe not playing also. Haiz, just very busy. Ok, nvm, i will make time this weekend then go out together have some fun like going to the movies and the arcade. Maybe even staying over at your place. Hahaha, my place cannot stay over le ): too small.

Walk over can le la, maybe just go back later, can just slowly take my time to walk home. Enjoy the night breeze and talk to dearest on the phone. I love you dearest, rest well and take care of yourself. I know you not feeling well. If it gets worse, i will bring you to see a doctor or even force you to drink herbal tea. I know you dont like but its good for you ok dearest. Dont say im just concern about you. I really care and im not angry (: dont worry ok dearest.

Signing off,
friendship wind


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