Sunday, January 13, 2008

A wonderful day at the zoo!

This is the main attraction. The special red stuff!!!

Dearest love the kangaroo. However it cant walk, only hop with two feet.

Kampong style, its at the Asian Hall of elephants.

Emu..peck peck peck

Kangaroo, posing for a good picture

Elephant show, it was really nice and enjoyable

Roar, thats a leopard!!!! SO NEAR!!!

Giraffe feeding time. Yummy yummy carrots

Flamingo, the least attractive but at the entrance animal

Rhinocerus. A thich fur as a horn. Cool right

Cheetah, the fastest moving animal only land

Ostrich, peck each other's backside

Sheeba!! Mother polar bear

It was hell fun today at the zoo today. Was quite exhausted and slept in the bus. Got a few comments for my unglamorous sleeping posture but who cares. I happy can already right.

Zoo, walk here walk there, take picture. 50!!! Cannot reall yupload all so i guess i will split a few times to upload. Later cannot see my entry, stretch more than 1 page then not nice le ah.

A little here and there, animals, i really love that picture with the monkey. Its really obscene. The red thing is like tada!!! Fake one la obvious but why put it as a dominant male!!! So distinct feature to expose. Geez, so wow!!! WOW!!!

Tmr going for service, lunch and back home. Still got tons of things to do after that because got lecture notes to study, homework to do and stuff la. Tired also. EVeryday have to wake up so early.

I have a monkey ticket as my entry ticket. So not nice....but dearest want zebra, nicer one le. Ok i shall sacrifice a bit bit and take it. No la, i like it la dearest. I think i will blog until here first. Maybe shall add more pictures again.

Signing off,
Picture wind


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