Sunday, February 24, 2008

Going out after quite a while

After three days of orientation, today is finally a day i could sleep later. Slept early too and woke up at 8.15 as dearest say she woke up a bit later. Told her to call me in another 5 more mins because i was really sleepy. Got another call and i woke up to bathe and change. I thought since we woke up late so meet later but my dad wanted to go work so i took a lift to paya lebar mrt. Reached early so wakefor dearest, as usual, buy honey lemon.

Got so many freaking ppl doing flag day. Those were the days i guess. When i didnt do it properly, instead went around playing and just donating with my own money. Go around changing notes into coins and started pouring all of them into the tin can.

Went suntec and played did well. Tmr i shall post some pictures. Oh ya, watched the eye. Aiyah, quite sucky le actually. I already know the plot because its taken from the eye in chinese de. Haiz, nvm, at least also got get scared once in a while. The people beside us....kinda werid combi together. The guy is freaking skinny, the female freaking fat. The guy hand around her waist i think cannot hold one whole round. Too exaggerating la but who cares. Weird correct le. Dearest love the stitches at virtualand. HOpe i could get it for her but its not easy because the stitches not easy to catch.

After that went over to dearest house and eat scallop porrige, played a bit funny game esp the great bangala thingie lol. Need to keep running and jumping or not get caught by some bull, fat guy, milk lady or someting. Damn freaking funny la, the eggy one also not bad. All from miniclip de. Go there check it out ba.

Im tired too, shall go rest now. I love you dearest.

SIgning off,
Grand wind


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