Thursday, June 26, 2008

Happy 17th birdthday dearest

The beaautiful sexy cake that sonia's mum got her

Dearest didnt know i take this lol

Hey hey, i took one piece first one (:

THe little dog that i gave dearest for her birthday

First school uniform picture

The cake we bought to celebrate dearest birthday on the gathering

Dearest and the cake (:

me and dearest

the trophies gotten from the tkd team

My medal

Phew, today is dearest's 17th birthday lol. We kinda celebrated it last week during the bbq because it is the exam week le. mmm, i can say that the examinations didnt went well. All either dont know how to do or not enough time to finish haiz. Ok tmr dearest still got one last paper so all the best my dearest, i love you so much.

"Hope you enjoted yourself today my dearest. Its your birthday ): i know it may not be that special or it may not be that sweet but i wanna tell you that i will always be there for you. When the world comes crumbling down, you can rest asure that i will be your pillar to support it for you. I love you dear."

I really meant what i say my dearest, i will always be there to support you. You really mean everything to me.

We shall celebrate tmr ok? I know you didnt have much to celebrate today because tmr you still got a bio paper to handle. Dont worry, you can do it my dearest.

We gotten this little dog from precious thoughts today. It was wearing a clothe that says pepe lol. Its our hamster's name can you believe it lol. We couldnt decide on which to really buy. A small one that has really fanciful shirt or a big one that got not really very fanciful. After much hesitation and consideration, we bought the big one because it can contain more money. Oh ya, its a piggy bank lol.

Geez, i really love spending time with dearest. Try not to cry ok, it really hurts my heart too. I know its very stressful from the exams and the life but dont worry, you have me right lol.

Today also eat too much until stomach didnt feel well. Phew, tired tired but nvm, i shall be waiting for dearest to call me.

Signing off
Dearest 17 birthday wind


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