Thursday, June 19, 2008

14th month

Another 19 have come but this time it seems a bit slick? Could it have been the ever changing personality or the ever stubborn character that gets into the way?

Mmmm, im talking with dearest on the phone now but it seems like she doesnt seem to be talking much. See how it goes tomorrow la. I also dont know what to do.

Tmr watching the Zohan and today watched get smart. Its a freaking hilarious show that must be watched also lol. I didnt regret waiting for it. Played a few rounds of basketball and met this group of chicken backside mouth people. They all so skinny, i think i 1 take on 5 also i sure win. Haiz, they say we action 900+ score very nub. Go freaking show us how you do it la. You can even touch 700 i will be running around naked. Those morons are totally incompetent. Dont know who they are messing with.

Geez, i shall be ending here then. Tmr will be a long day because we are watching movie, playing the arcade then later going back to dearest house for bbq. Everyone will enjoy!!!! only thing that i hope is that it will not rain because the mood of the party will be ruined! No, i dont want that to happen.

Maybe keeping silent is good after all?

Signing off
14th month wind


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