Saturday, February 9, 2008

Whats with this?

Na bei, get scared by a nightmare. Whats a hand with 21 fingers? Geez, thinking too much already omg. What the many finers on one hand. That scared the crap out of me.

Oh since, im awake and im hungry omg. Tekken today, watch cj7 yesterday, ah long pte ltd today. This two is wonderful shows that must be watched. Ah long can make you laugh throughout while cj7 is cool man. Not realy interested in Kunf Fu dunk. Charles ask me blog so since i woke up and my sister and aaron still not asleep, i shall just be hardworking a bit to blog.

Damn...i left 1 set of contact lens. Not enough le zhe me ban? Should i be wearing contacts tmr? I think no need for it right? Go pray only, nvm la, wear glasses. Also nobody see one la.

Geez, feel like ordering some food!!! Im hungry!!! Cant go back to sleep. Aiyah, watch a while tv la. I guess dearest is resting really well now. I love you my dearest. I had a wonderful time today. One new year would meant every new year (: A promise (:

Signing off,
nightmare wind


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