Monday, January 28, 2008

Bugis again AHHH!!!!

We headed down to hougang mall and bought a lot of stuff to eat, drink and walked around. After that took an mrt down to bugis.

Dearest talked to Gnin Gnin lol, thats how i will spell it then. She sound really sad. I think something happen but i shall be ignorant. Should not be busybody and ask too much.

Swim swim swim, chant with me swim swim swim. Just love it when somebody is there with me lol.

Went bugis played tekken and wahaha, im a random person. I won that guy who is alos lily. His record not really very nice but i love being random too.

I really have no motive. Really and i cant believe it that we are going bugis again...

Signing off,
Haiz wind


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